You have a vision…

… for yourself, your organization or both. Now what? How do you best translate that vision into reality? Ideally, you have the resources, confidence and will to do so. Most likely, you also need to manage change as part of the equation of business transformation.

Change triggers resistance, which comes in many flavors: doubt, fear and sometimes outright mutiny. Having a partner to navigate those challenges can be the difference between modest success and whopping business transformation. And the most effective partner doesn’t just think “outside the box,” she dismantles it.

You already have the raw materials. You just need help with the business transformation. Are you ready?

Business Change Management

Most business change management consultants target behavior, but sustainable change requires new ways of thinking. Getting at mental models, judgments and conclusions is the essential starting point to transformational work. You need to know where you are before you carve the path to where you want to be. Read more...

Thought Partnering

Reflection is a well-documented leadership practice. For many clients, having off-the- record time with a “been there, done that” resource is the missing link to facilitating the integration of leadership, values and executional excellence. Read more…

Leadership and Staff Development

Unleashing the creativity and passion of employees is one of the greatest opportunities an organization has to reach that sweet spot where institutional culture, team dynamics and individual talent work together to achieve the highest level of performance. Getting there requires motivation, collaboration and effective communication. Groups are at their best when they possess an understanding and respect for the organization’s culture, and strong interpersonal skills. Read more…